NetSuite Get

NetSuite Get

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Snap type:



This Snap gets a particular record based on the given internal ID and object type. The object becomes suggestible once the account is defined. The fields that can be set on the object are provided on the input view of the Snap and can be mapped using an upstream Mapper or Structure Snap. This Snap dispatches one request per incoming document.

  • Expected upstream Snaps: Any Snap that provides a document output view, such as Mapper or Structure or a JSON Generator Snap.
  • Expected downstream Snaps: Any Snap that has a document input view, such as Filter or Mapper or JSON Formatter.
  • Expected input: This Snap provides a schema on its input view for the selected object that can then be used in a Mapper Snap to map the required fields. 
  • Expected output: This Snap provides the result of the get operation for each record on the output view. Errors can be routed to the error view if enabled or cause the Snap to fail during execution.



Support and limitations:Works in Ultra Pipelines.
Known Issues:

This Snap currently does not support custom records.


This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. See NetSuite Account for information on setting up this type of account.

InputThis Snap has exactly one document input view.
OutputThis Snap has exactly one document output view.
ErrorThis Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.



Required. The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

Request timeout

Required. The timeout for the web service call (in seconds). A value of 0 indicates no timeout.

Example: 0
Default value: 0

Maximum request attempts

Required. Specifies the maximum number of attempts to be made to receive a response. The request is terminated if the attempts do not result in a response.  

Default value: 3

Retry request interval 

Required. Specifies the interval (in seconds) between two successive requests. A retry happens only when the previous attempt resulted in an exception. 

Default value: 2

Snap execution

Default ValueExecute only
Example: Validate & Execute

Select one of the following three modes in which the Snap executes:

  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap, and generates a data preview during pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during Pipeline runtime.

  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during Pipeline execution without generating preview data.

  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.

This Snap does not currently support custom records.


HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication required.

Unable to tunnel through proxy.

Add the following key-value pair values to your Groundplex configuration and restart the plex to reflect the changes.

Key : jcc.jvm_options
Value : -Djdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes=""


Retrieving an Employee Record Using Employee Internal ID

In this example, you search for and retrieve an employee record using employee internal ID.


 Understanding the Pipeline

In this pipeline execution:

Mapper Snap maps the employee details to the input fields of NetSuite Create Snap:

NetSuite Create Snap creates a new employee record using the Employee Object:

Mapper Snap maps the output of the NetSuite Create Snap to the input fields of the NetSuite Get Snap:

NetSuite Get Snap retrieves the employee details: 

When the NetSuite Get Snap is saved, it generates the input schema automatically. After the pipeline executes, the NetSuite Get Snap responds with the details of an employee with internal ID 112908. The following is the data preview of the NetSuite Get Snap that show the employee details:

Creating and Updating Customer Records in NetSuite Using Custom Objects

NetSuite enables you to create custom objects, and you can use the NetSuite Create Snap to update these records. This example demonstrates how you can do so.

Download this pipeline.

 Understanding the pipeline

We design the pipeline as shown above.


The Mapper Snap retrieves the NetSuite object's schema from the NetSuite Create Snap and maps the data to be uploaded to the appropriate custom fields in the target schema.

The Mapper offers the following output:

As you can see, the Mapper has mapped custom fields in the NetSuite object schema to values that we listed in the Expression field in the Mapper Snap Settings screen, above. We now need to update a NetSuite record using these custom values.

NetSuite Create

We configure the NetSuite Create Snap as shown below. We select Job as the object that we want to update. This is the schema from which the Mapper Snap picks the custom fields that must be updated.

The NetSuite Create Snap now updates the concerned record based on the object that we selected in the NetSuite Create Settings screen above, and lists out the internal ID of the updated record.

Mapper 1

We can now check whether the record was updated. To do so, we extract the internal ID of the record that was updated from the output of the NetSuite Create Snap using a Mapper Snap:

The Mapper Snap captures the internal ID of the concerned record and makes it available to the NetSuite Get Snap.

NetSuite Get

We now use the internal ID received from the Mapper Snap to check whether the record concerned is actually updated.

We review the output of the NetSuite Get Snap and check whether the new data reflects the latest updates, and find that it does.

Snap Pack History

 Click to view/expand
ReleaseSnap Pack VersionDateTypeUpdates
February 2025main29887 Stable

Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

November 2024main29029 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
August 2024main27765 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
May 2024437patches26823 Latest

In a specific scenario where the body is absent in the SOAP request, the NetSuite Search Snap reloads the envelope to prevent the Snap from erroring out.

May 2024437patches26705 Latest

Added NetSuite Get Server Time Snap to the NetSuite SOAP Snap Pack. This Snap returns the NetSuite server time in GMT, regardless of the user's time zone.

May 2024main26341 Stable

Updated the following NetSuite SOAP Snap names for usability based on the functionality of the Snaps:

February 2024436patches25953 Latest

Upgraded Apache CXF from version 3.4.2 to 3.6.3 to prevent vulnerability issues.

February 2024436patches25995 Latest

Updated the default and maximum batch size for NetSuite Add List and NetSuite Async Add List Snaps as follows:
NetSuite Add List:
Default batch size: 100
Maximum batch size: 200

NetSuite Async Add List:
Default batch size: 200
Maximum batch size: 400

February 2024436patches25852 Latest

Added the following Snaps to the NetSuite SOAP Snap Pack:

  • NetSuite Add List: Adds a list of records in bulk to NetSuite.

  • NetSuite Async Add List: Inserts a list of records in NetSuite asynchronously, and the Snap returns a job ID after a successful operation.

February 2024436patches25801 Latest

Fixed an issue with NetSuite Upsert Snap that displayed a null pointer exception when the account had insufficient permissions. Now the Snap displays a configuration exception when the customFieldRecord is null.

February 2024main25112 StableUpdated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2023main23721 Stable

The existing NetSuite Snap Pack is renamed to NetSuite SOAP due to the introduction of the NetSuite REST Snap Pack.

August 2023




Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

May 2023433patches21878 Latest

The Snap Pack now supports Customer-Subsidiary and Vendor-Subsidiary relationship Object types.

NetSuite's application requires the Oneworld extension for utilizing these subsidiary relationships, and Snap integration must use WSDL 2019_1 or later versions.

May 2023



Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

February 2023main19844 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
November 2022main18944 Stable

The following Snaps now handle lineage properly when used in an Ultra Pipeline: NetSuite Get Item Availability, NetSuite Delete, and NetSuite GetList.

August 2022main17386 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.29 Patch429patches16915 Latest

Fixed an issue with NetSuite Search Snap where the Snap displayed the Could not translate an element declaration element exception intermittently when multiple search Snaps are executed simultaneously.

4.29main15993 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.28main14627 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.27 Patch427patches13080 LatestFixed an XML parsing issue with stripping empty elements for the NetSuite Snaps.
4.27 Patch427patches13072 Latest

Fixed an issue in the NetSuite Search Snap where the Snap failed when the body is not present in the SOAP request.

4.27main12833 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.26main11181 StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.24 Patch424 patches8891 Latest

Introduced the new Snap NetSuite Call RESTlet that enables calling RESTlet scripts using token-based authentication. This Snap provides the functionality of the NetSuite RESTlet framework that supports the HTTP methods (GET, DELETE, POST, PUT) and MIME types.

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.


  • Removed the obsolete Sandbox Account check box from the NetSuite Token Account.

  • Removed the now redundant Custom WSDL URL Domain field from the NetSuite Token Account to support NetSuite's transition to automatic account-specific domain identification.

4.20 Patch netsuite8799 Latest

Updates the NetSuite Create, Update, Upsert, and Async Upsert Snaps to use the Classification type instead of Class, to resolve schema generation issues. While the Class type remains available in the NetSuite Search and Async Search Snaps for backwards compatibility, use of the Classification type is recommended.



StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

Certified the NetSuite Snap Pack against the NetSuite version 2019.1. This does not impact existing Pipelines.

4.18 Patch netsuite7879 Latest

Fixed the NetSuite Snaps where the Snaps intermittently fail to reach, cache, and view the NetSuite WSDL and XSD files.

4.18 Patch netsuite7779 Latest

Fixed an issue with the NetSuite Update Snap and the NetSuite Create Snap wherein the Snaps are unable to properly handle null values for the standard and the custom fields.

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

Pushed automatic rebuild of the latest version of each Snap Pack to SnapLogic UAT and Elastic servers.

  • Deprecated the NetSuite Credential account type.

  • Added the Snap Execution field to all Standard-mode Snaps. In some Snaps, this field replaces the existing Execute during preview check box.

4.16 Patch netsuite6911 Latest

Fixed an issue with running multiple Pipelines by lazy-fetching custom fields metadata.


Custom fields are not displayed in the updated NetSuite Create, Update, Upsert, Search, Async Upsert, or Async Search Snaps. They are visible only for Snaps where you have configured custom fields with SnapLogic 4.15 or earlier releases. With the updated NetSuite Snaps, you must connect a Mapper Snap as an upstream Snap to map custom fields.

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.


StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.12 Patchnetsuite4888 Latest

Increased the maximum timeout to two minutes when parsing the WSDL file to fix an issue where the Netsuite Snap Pack is unable to parse XML schema information from the given WSDL file.



StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.11 Patch netsuite4382 Latest

Resolved an issue with the NetSuite Search, Create and Update Snaps that now show the custom field suggestions in the drop down.

4.11 Patch netsuite4296 Latest

Resolved an issue with NetSuite Update and Search Snaps where Custom fields are not populated on the Snaps.

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.


StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.9.0 Patch netsuite3227 Latest

Addressed an issue with retry disabled if the reason field contains INVALID_KEY_OR_REF

4.9.0 Patch netsuite3112 Latest

Addressed an issue in NetSuite Upsert where List/Record type is sent as MultiSelectCustomFieldRef.

4.9.0 Patch netsuite3015 Latest

Added Thread Safety to the creation of Soap Request Message for the NetSuite Search Snap.

StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.8.0 Patch netsuite2839 Latest

Provided a new property for custom WSDL support for NetSuite

4.8.0 Patch netsuite2704 Latest

Fixed performance issue on NetSuite Snap Pack which was caused by the WSDL imports.



  • Route records to appropriate views and Pass through properties added to the Netsuite Upsert, Delete and GetList Snaps.
  • Introduced the NetSuite Get Async Result, NetSuite Check Async Status, NetSuite Async Delete, NetSuite Async Get, NetSuite Async Upsert, NetSuite Async Search Snaps in this release.
  • Info tab added to accounts.


StableUpgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.
4.6.0 Patch netsuite1855 
  • Resolved an issue with the NetSuite Search Snap intermittently generating a "The body is not present in the SOAP request" error.
  • Maximum request attempts and Retry request interval options added to the NetSuite Upsert, Get, Get List, Create, Search, Delete and Update Snaps.
  • NetSuite Get Item Availability Snap was introduced in this release.
  • Resolved an issue in NetSuite Snap Pack that caused Snaps to fail with read timeout errors.
  • Enhanced the NetSuite Snaps to support custom fields on the following object types: VendorBill, VendorBillItem, VendorBillExpense, ExpenseReportExpense, PurchaseOrderExpense. Additionally, Address on Contact, Customer, Partner, Vendor, Job, & Employee are also supported when using WSDL version 2014.2 or later.
  • Enhanced the NetSuite Search Snap to support the general object types Item and Transaction, rather than just their more specific subtypes.
  • Resolved an issue with the NetSuite Upsert Snap that was incorrectly handling some failed requests as successful requests. Any response containing at least one error status is now written to the error view instead of the output view.


  • Updated the Search Snap to support advanced search. This enables you to execute a saved search using its ID & search for relevant records in it. 
  • Fixed an error in NetSuite Update Snap that restricted access to a custom field in the addressbook sublist of a contact object.


  • Item and Inventory Item added as options for the Object property in NetSuite Search.
  • Token Based Authentication for SuiteTalk web services added.
  • Resolved an issue in NetSuite Snaps to ensure appropriate handling and display of error messages during failure.
  • Resolved an issue in NetSuite Snaps that occurred when different values were entered for a custom field.
  • Resolved an issue in NetSuite Search Snap to ensure all records are returned when the input search criteria is empty.
  • NetSuite Snaps are enhanced to support the APIs from 2016 (version 2016). Starting from SnapLogic 4.5 release, only APIs from 2014 or later are supported.
  • MIGRATION IMPACT: Note that the accounts have changed for NetSuite. The existing NetSuite account was renamed to NetSuite Credentials Account; the properties of WSDL Release and WSDL Patch were added and the Testdrive account option was removed. A NetSuite Token Account was also added.
  • SnapLogic's pre-assigned NetSuite Application ID is now in every header sent for NetSuite Calls.
  • Resolved an issue with a memory leak in this Snap Pack.
  • Resolved an issue that occurred while collecting JSON schema information.
  • Resolved an issue with setting a custom field to blank in the Update, Create, and Upsert Snaps.
  • Resolved an issue with not being able to clear standard fields that have a value in Update and Upsert Snaps.
  • Resolved an issue with "custom field" suggest showing an error when using a standard type with only one active custom field definition.
  • Resolved an issue with NetSuite Search Snap not producing contact address info as output.
  • In validation/preview mode only, WSDL versions are checked for consistency between the Snap and the Account.
  • Resolved an issue with NetSuite Search Snap ignoring criteria from an input document if any custom field criteria was specified in the Snap.
  • Support for Custom Records added.
  • Support for additional object types added.
  • Support for custom fields for all Transaction types added.
  • Support for custom fields of type Checkbox (boolean) added to the Search, Create, and Update Snaps.
  • Support for custom fields of type Date and Decimal added to the Create and Update Snaps.
  • Resolved an issue with the consistency of the output schema when Search returned more than one page.
  • Resolved an issue with custom fields not appearing in the Update Snap.
  • Resolved an issue with NetSuite Create with custom field not showing in the output payload.
  • Improved performance of the NetSuite Snap Pack.
 StableSnaps tested against NetSuite server version 2015.2.