Salesforce Lookup

In this article


The Salesforce Lookup Snap is a Read-type Snap that provides the ability to format WHERE clause from input document stream for a SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) query. See Introduction to SOQL and SOSL for more information.

To use newer Salesforce objects, use the latest API versions where those objects are available.


A valid Salesforce account with the required permissions.

Support for Ultra Pipelines

Works in Ultra Pipelines.

In Ultra mode, ensure that you enable the Single Lookup Request property checkbox to process one document at a time.

Limitations and Known Issues


Snap Views

TypeFormatNumber of ViewsExamples of Upstream and Downstream SnapsDescription
  • Min:1
  • Max:1
  • JSON Formatter
  • Mapper
This Snap has exactly one input view and receives Document(s) in the view. Expressions in the Object type, Output fields, Conditions and Correlation ID properties can be evaluated with values from the input view during the execution.
  • Min:1
  • Max:1
  • Mapper
  • Copy
  • File Writer

The error view contains error, reason, resolution and stack trace. For more information, see Handling Errors with an Error Pipeline.

Snap Settings


Field Type





Specify a unique name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your Pipeline.

Default ValueSalesforce Lookup
ExampleSalesforce Lookup

Service Version*


 Specify the version number associated with the Salesforce service that you want to connect to. Alternatively, click the Suggestion  icon to fetch the list of versions and select the desired version.

Default Value52.0 

Salesforce API*

Dropdown list

This property sets the Salesforce API mode to Bulk API or REST API during the pipeline execution.

Default Value: REST API
Example: Bulk API

Object Type*


Specify the name of the Salesforce object or select one from the suggested list.

This Snap does not support Net Zero Cloud Salesforce objects.

Default Value:  Account
Example:  Account

Output Fields*

Use this field set to define the field names for the Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) SELECT statement. Specify each output field as a separate row. Click  to add a new row. 

Output Fields*String/Expression/Suggestion

Specify a list of field names for the SOQL SELECT statement. Alternatively, click the Suggestion  icon to fetch the list of field names associated with the object type and select a field.

The value for this field can also be an expression that will be evaluated against the values configured in Pipeline parameters only.

Default Value: N/A
ExampleId, Name, ShippingAddress

Conditions*Use this field set to define conditions. Specify each condition as a separate row. Click  to add a new row.



Specify the condition for the WHERE clause.

The values in this field forms an AND clause in the SOQL WHERE statement. Each entry in the Conditions row can be an expression to be evaluated with the values from the input view. The Snap receives a stream of document data, where each document is formatted into an AND clause and all AND clauses are ORed together to form an entire WHERE statement. If the size of SOQL statement exceeds 10,000 characters, the Snap sends the SOQL query request, retrieves the resulting records which are sent to the output view, and restarts forming a new WHERE statement.

Example: "Name = '" + $Name + "'"
The above example is an expression which can be evaluated to "Name = 'O\'Connor'", if $Name is a JSON path to a value "O'Connor" in the input document data. The value of the Name field is a string type which must be enclosed by a pair of single quotes. If there is any single quote in the value, like the above example, it is escaped with a backslash by the Snap automatically. Otherwise, will reject the SOQL request.

Using quotes in the WHERE clause

  • Do not use quotes for field names in the WHERE clause. Using quotes results in an error.
  • Use only single quotes for values in the WHERE clause as using double quotes results in an error.
  • The above rules do not apply when you are using SnapLogic expressions, you can use quotes for the field names and values as applicable. 

Default Value: N/A

Example:  "Name = '" + $Name + "'"

Correlation ID


Specify an ID field name which the Snap uses to correlate input document to the output record when you want to pass through input data to the output view. Alternatively, click the Suggestion icon to fetch a list of IDs and select a ID.

  • The value for this field can be an expression that will be evaluated against the values configured in the Pipeline parameters only.
  • The value of this field must be unique throughout the entire records in the selected object type, so that it identifies a specific record in an SObject type. External ID field names fit into this category. This field may be left empty if users do not want to pass through input document to the output view. 

Default Value: N/A


Single Lookup Request


Select this checkbox to enable the Snap to send one lookup request for each input document. In Ultra mode, ensure that you select this checkbox to process one document at a time.

Default Value: Not selected 

Polling Interval*


Specify the polling interval in seconds for the Bulk API query execution. At each polling interval, the Snap checks the status of the Bulk API query batch processing.

Maximum value:: 60 

This field can be an expression that will be evaluated against the values configured in Pipeline parameters only.

Default Value: 5
Example: 5

Polling Timeout*



Specify the polling timeout in seconds for the Bulk API read batch execution. If the timeout occurs while waiting for the completion of the read batch execution, the Snap throws a SnapExecutionException. 

This field can be an expression that will be evaluated against the values configured in Pipeline parameters only.

Default Value:  3000
Example:  300

Process Date/Time



All date/time fields from  are retrieved as string type. If this property is unchecked, the Snap sends these fields without any conversion.

If checked, the Snap converts date/time fields to corresponding date/time types by accessing the meta data of the given SObject. Salesforce datetime is converted to Joda DateTime, Salesforce date to Joda LocalDate and Salesforce time to Joda LocalTime.

Default Value: 

Include Deleted Records



Select this checkbox to include deleted records in the query result. This feature is supported in REST API version 29.0 or later and Bulk API version 39.0 or later.

Default Value: Not selected 

Pass-through on No Lookup Match


Select this checkbox to allow the input document to pass through to the output view when there is no lookup matching an input document. Else, the input document is written to the error view as an error condition.

Default ValueNot selected

Match Data Type

