REST In-memory OAuth2 Account

REST In-memory OAuth2 Account

In this article


You can use this account type to connect REST Snaps with data sources that support Client Credentials OAuth2 Authentication. This account should be used when the access_tokens provided by the Client Credentials grant type OAuth2 Authentication are short-lived (less than 30 minutes in time) as the account stores them in memory for reuse. Learn more about the differences between the REST OAuth2 and REST In-memory OAuth2 accounts.


  • Client ID.

  • Client Secret.

Limitations and Known Issues


Account Settings

  • Asterisk ( * ): Indicates a mandatory field.

  • Suggestion icon (): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.

  • Expression icon ( ): Indicates whether the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.

  • Add icon ( ): Indicates that you can add fields in the fieldset.

  • Remove icon ( ): Indicates that you can remove fields from the fieldset.

Field Name

Field Type


Field Name

Field Type




Default Value: [None]
ExampleREST In-memory OAuth2 Account


Specify a unique label for the account.


Client ID*


Default Value: N/A


Specify the client ID associated with the account. You can create the Client ID as advised by your application provider. Learn more through this example.


Client secret*


Default Value: N/A
Example: N/A


 The client secret associated with the account. You can create the client secret as advised by your application provider. Learn more through this example.


Send Client Data as Basic Auth Header


Default ValueDeselected




Select this checkbox to send the client information as a header to the OAuth endpoint.


OAuth2 Token*


Default Value: N/A



Specify the URL of the endpoint (in the following format) that retrieves the token for an authenticated account.

https://<endpoint name>.endpoint.com/oauth_token

When the Snap encounters 401 or 403 errors, this account generates a new token and updates cache.

Grant Type


Default Valueclient_credentials

By default, this account uses Client Credentials Grant Type to obtain an access token using the Client ID and Client secret through the token endpoint URL.

Token endpoint config

Use this field set to provide custom properties for the OAuth2 token endpoint.

Token endpoint parameter

Default Value: N/A
Example: Scope


Specify additional token endpoint parameters.


Token endpoint parameter value


Default Value: N/A

Example: core.accounting.read core.approval.read


Specify the value associated with the optional endpoint parameter defined above.


Auto-refresh token


Default ValueDeselected
Example: N/A




Select this checkbox to refresh the token automatically. If you deselect this field, the token expires and is not refreshed automatically.


REST In-memory OAuth2 Account Vs. REST OAuth2 Account

REST In-memory OAuth2 Account

REST OAuth2 Account

REST In-memory OAuth2 Account

REST OAuth2 Account

The REST In-memory OAuth2 Account supports only client_credentials Grant type.

The REST OAuth2 Account supports the following authorization Grant types:

  • client_credentials

  • password

  • authorization_code

The REST In-memory OAuth2 Account is suitable for scenarios where the access token expiration time is less than 30 minutes. This account type efficiently manages tokens within the pipeline and Snap, ensuring a more localized token handling approach.

The REST OAuth2 Account is ideal for situations where access token expirations are 1 hour or more. If the OAuth2 service supports refresh tokens, enabling the Auto Refresh token checkbox lets Snaplogic automatically refresh tokens before they officially expire.

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