Configuring Alternate Keys in MS Dynamics 365 For Sales (Power Apps)

Configuring Alternate Keys in MS Dynamics 365 For Sales (Power Apps)

In this article


The MS Dynamics 365 For Sales Update and MS Dynamics 365 For Sales Upsert Snaps use Alternate Keys to access data from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 application. You can use the Alternate Keys to refer to entities by using unique or nonunique combinations of columns. 
This article describes how to add Alternate Keys using Power Apps. It also also contains the information on how to define Alternate Keys in these Snaps.

Adding Alternate Keys

  1. Log into the Power Apps portal.

  2. Click Solutions in the left-navigation pane.

    The list of solutions is displayed.


  3. Do either of the following:

    • Click +New solution to create a new solution.

      • Enter the following details and click Create.

        • Display name

        • Name, Publisher

        • Version

    • Select an existing Solution that you want to modify. The list of objects for the solution is displayed.
      Note: You cannot customize Managed solutions the way you want for Alternate keys.

  4. Click Tables. Alternatively, you can search for the object using the Search box. For example, type Lead to search for the Lead table.


  5. Click Keys. The list of existing Alternate keys is displayed.


  6. Select the Key you want to modify and click +New key at the top of the page.


  7. Specify a Display name for the Alternate key and select the Columns you want to include.


  8. Click Save.
    The new keys should appear in the list. The status is updated from Pending to Active once the key is ready to use.

Configuring the Update/Upsert Snap with Alternate Keys

  1. Open a Dynamics 365 For Sales Update or Upsert Snap.

  2. Click + for Alternate Key field set.

  3. Add a value for each column.
    Note: Use the column’s Logical name (instead of the Display name). You can look up for the Logical name in Power Apps by clicking the respective Column in the Columns page.


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