Snowflake Snap Pack

PIn this article


Snowflake is a cloud data warehouse (CDW). Use Snaps in this Snap Pack to:

  • Insert, upsert, update, unload, execute, and delete records in Snowflake.

  • Query a specific Snowflake instance and return the requested records or keys.

  • Execute multiple queries.

  • Enable SCD2 to track the history of changes. 

The following Snaps support AWS S3, Azure Blob, and Google Cloud Storage for external staging:

  • Snowflake - Bulk Load

  • Snowflake - Bulk Upsert

  • Snowflake - Unload

The Snowflake Snap Pack supports Snowflake vectors, including schema generation and output compatibility with vector data types.

Supported Versions

This Snap Pack is tested with JDBC driver version 3.14.0. 

  • As of November 8, 2023, the Snowflake Snap Pack is bundled with the default Snowflake JDBC driver v3.14.0.

  • As of November 1, 2023, Snowflake instances hosted on Google Cloud must use Snowflake JDBC driver v3.13.25 or higher. If you are using the default drivers bundled with Snowflake or ELT Snaps, your pipelines are not affected. If your Snowflake instances hosted on Google Cloud use older JARs, you must update the client drivers. Learn more.

  • For support of all geospatial data types, we recommend that you use our custom JDBC driver. Contact for details.


  • Snowflake JDBC driver JAR v3.0.0 or higher (tested and supported with the JDBC driver version 3.14.0). 

  • For the GEOMETRY data type, JDBC driver JAR v3.13.28 or higher is required

  • User-defined functions (UDFs) created in the Snowflake console can be executed using Snowflake - Execute and Snowflake - Multi Execute Snaps.


Snap Pack History


Snap Pack Version




August 2024


Aug 21, 2024


Upgraded the org.json.json library from v20090211 to v20240303, which is fully backward compatible.

May 2024


Aug 7, 2024


Enhanced the Snowflake - Select Snap with Time Travel query support that enables you to access historical data at any point within a defined period. This includes restoring data-related objects, duplicating and backing up data, and analyzing data usage.

May 2024


Jul 10, 2024


May 2024


Jun 27, 2024


  • Added Snowflake - Vector Search Snap to enable advanced vector-based queries as part of the Select statement.

  • Enhanced the Snowflake Snap Pack with full vector support, including schema generation and output compatibility with vector data types.

May 2024


May 28, 2024


May 2024


May 8, 2024


  • Enhanced the Snowflake Bulk Load and Snowflake Insert Snaps to support iceberg tables. Iceberg tables partition and organize data across multiple nodes to distribute the workload and speed up data processing.

  • Updated the Delete Condition (Truncates a Table if empty) field in the Snowflake - Delete Snap to Delete condition (deletes all records from a table if left blank) to indicate that all entries will be deleted from the table when this field is blank, but no truncate operation is performed.

February 2024


Mar 28, 2024


  • Enhanced the Snowflake Bulk Load Snap to fetch the file format types based on the selected Datasource. The Snap now supports only CSV and NONE file format types (as a Suggestions list) when the Datasource is Input view.

  • Enhanced the Snowflake Bulk Upsert Snap to support only CSV and NONE file format types (as a Suggestions list).

February 2024


Feb 14, 2024


Updated and certified against the current SnapLogic Platform release.

November 2023


Feb 5, 2024


Fixed an issue across the Snowflake Snaps that populated all suggestions for the Schema and Table Names existing in the configured Snowflake Account. Now, the Snaps only populate suggestions related to the database configured in the Account.

November 2023


Dec 14, 2023


Added a lint warning to the Snowflake-Bulk Load Snap that recommends users to select the Purge checkbox when the Data source is input view and the Staging location is External.

November 2023


Nov 8, 2023


The Snowflake Snap Pack is now bundled with the default Snowflake JDBC driver v3.14.

August 2023


Oct 30, 2023


Fixed an issue with the Snowflake-Bulk Load Snap where the Snap wrote irrelevant errors to the error view when both of the following conditions occurred:

  • The inserted data was not in the same order as the table schema.

  •  The Staging location was Internal.

Now, the Snap  writes the correct errors to the error view.

August 2023


Aug 16, 2023


The Snowflake - Execute Snap now includes a new Query type field. When Auto is selected, the Snap tries to determine the query type automatically.

May 2023


Jul 17, 2023


  • Enhanced the Snowflake - Bulk Load and Snowflake - Bulk Upsert Snaps with a new Flush chunk size (in bytes) field. When using internal staging, data is written to a temporary chunk file. When the file exceeds the specified size, it is copied to the Snowflake stage and deleted.

  • Added validation of external storage credentials for Snowflake S3 Accounts.

May 2023


Jun 2, 2023


  • Fixed an issue where the output document was missing information about the error records count and the reason for the error.

  • Fixed an issue that caused stored procedure executions to fail in the Snowflake - Multi Execute Snap.

May 2023


May 10, 2023


  • Snaplogic is specified as a partner tag in all requests going to Snowflake, making it easier for Snowflake to identify the requests coming from Snaplogic.

  • The default JDBC driver JAR for the Snowflake Snap Pack is upgraded to version 3.13.28 to support the GEOMETRY data type.

February 2023


May 9, 2023


  • The default JDBC driver JAR for the Snowflake Snap Pack is upgraded to version 3.13.28 to support the GEOMETRY data type.

  • Fixed an issue with the Snowflake Multi Execute Snap to enable processing of large amounts of data (more than 2 billion records).

  • Fixed a column mismatch issue that was caused by an assumed null AWS token that could potentially be an empty string.

February 2023


Apr 3, 2023


Fixed an issue with the Snowflake - Bulk Load Snap that resulted in lowercase (or mixed case) column names when creating a new table under specific conditions. The new Create table with uppercase column names checkbox addresses this issue.

February 2023


Mar 9, 2023 


The Snowflake Bulk Load, Bulk Upsert, and Unload Snaps now support expressions for the Staging location field.

February 2023


Feb 9, 2023 


  • The JDBC Driver (JAR file) setting in all the Snowflake Accounts is optional. If you do not provide a JDBC driver, the account uses the default Snowflake JDBC driver JAR V3.13.25 that is bundled with the Snap Pack.

November 2022


Jan 20, 2023 


  • The Snowflake SCD2 Snap works as expected and does not display the Cannot find input data related to the output record error when you use the TIMESTAMPNTZ data type columns as Natural key fields.

  • Fixed the memory leakage issue ( because of Key/pair authentication that occupied some memory)  in the Snowflake Snaps. The performance of the Snowflake Snaps is optimized—there is less memory consumption, and exact memory dumps before and after the Pipeline execution.

November 2022


Jan 12, 2023 


The Snowflake Snap Pack supports geospatial data types. As the Snowflake Snap Pack requires using our custom Snowflake JDBC driver for full support of all data types, contact for details.

November 2022


Dec 8, 2022 


The Snowflake S3 OAuth2 Account now support expressions for external staging fields.

November 2022



Dec 8, 2022 


  • The Snowflake - Bulk Upsert Snap no longer supports values from an upstream input document in the Key columns field when the expression button is enabled. The value must remain constant throughout the Snap’s execution and now limits support for expressions to include only Pipeline parameters.

    To avoid breaking your existing Pipelines that use a value from the input schema in the Key columns field, update the Snap settings to use an input value from Pipeline parameters instead.

  • The Snowflake Bulk Load Snap no longer displays the validation warning in the following cases:

    • When you configure the Validation Mode as NONE and Validation Errors Type as Do not show errors in the Snap, or

    • When Validation Mode is RETURN_n_ROWS, RETURN_ERRORS, or RETURN_ALL_ERRORS.

November 2022


Nov 10, 2022 


  • The Snowflake - Bulk Load Snap now routes the 403-Access Denied error to the error view (when the error view is enabled) when you do not have DeleteObject permission to delete the temporary files in the S3 bucket.

  • Fixed the following issues in the Snowflake - Bulk Load Snap:

    • The Snap failed when the Preserve case sensitivity field was not selected and the column names in the input document and the target table were the same but the cases were different. Now, the Snap does not fail and loads the data correctly to the target table.

    • The Snap created a table when it did not exist with multiple columns in the target table when there were two input views, but the column name cases were different in both views. Now, the Snap creates the table from the metadata provided by the second input view and loads the data into the target table from the first input view.

  • The Snowflake Insert Snap now creates the target table only from the table metadata of the second input view when the following conditions are met:

    • The Create table if not present checkbox is selected.

    • The target table does not exist.

    • The table metadata is provided in the second input view.

November 2022


Nov 8, 2022 


Because of performance issues, all Snowflake Snaps now ignore the Cancel queued queries when pipeline is stopped or if it fails option for Manage Queued Queries, even when selected. Snaps behave as though the default Continue to execute queued queries when the Pipeline is stopped or if it fails option were selected.

October 2022


Oct 27, 2022 


The Snowflake Insert and Snowflake Bulk Upsert Snaps now do not fail with the SQL Operation failed error, when you insert the uppercase key name into a mixed-case column if the Preserve case sensitivity checkbox is deselected.

The Snowflake Bulk Load Snap now works as expected when you configure On Error with SKIP_FILE_*error_percent_limit*% and set the Error Percent Limit to more than the percentage of rows with invalid data in the CSV file.

October 2022


Oct 13, 2022 


The Snowflake Bulk Load Snap now has a Validation Errors Type dynamic field, which provides options for displaying validation errors. You can now choose Aggregate errors per row to display a summary view of errors.

September 2022


Sep 19, 2022 


The Snowflake Bulk Load Snap now triggers the metadata query only once even for invalid input, thereby improving the performance of Snap.

September 2022


Sep 15, 2022 


The Snowflake Select Snap now works as expected when the table name is dependent on an upstream input.

August 2022


Sep 2, 2022 


Fixes in the Snowflake Bulk Load Snap:

  • The Snap now routes the 403-Access Denied error to the error view (when the error view is enabled) when you do not have DeleteObject permission to delete the temporary files in the S3 bucket.

  • The Snap now checks for the expiration time whenever it receives a new access token for refreshing the token in Snowflake OAuth2 account.

August 2022


Aug 25, 2022 


  • The following issues are fixed in the Snowflake - Bulk Load Snap:

    • The Snap successfully loads the data even when you deselect the Preserve case- sensitivity checkbox and the source and target column names are similar, but with different casing.

    • When the Snap has two input views, it creates the target table from the metadata provided by the second input view and loads the data into the target table from the first input view.

  • The Snowflake Select Snap now validates successfully even when you set the Table Name field with an expression.

August 2022


Aug 11, 2022 


The following Snowflake Accounts support Key Pair Authentication.

4.29 Patch


Jul 21, 2022 


Fixed an issue with Snowflake - Bulk Load Snap where Snap failed with 301 status code - SnapDataException.

4.29 Patch


Jun 27, 2022 


  • Fixed the following issues with the Snaps that use Snowflake Accounts Key Pair Authentication.

    • The Snaps were not able to read the private keys provided as Pipeline parameters, because the key was malformed by replacing the line breaks with whitespace characters. Now, the private keys are properly formed and read when provided as Pipeline parameters.

    • The Snap displayed a Null Point Exception error when you pass an invalid key into the Private Key field like test. Now, the Snap displays a valid error message.

  • Fixed an issue with the Snaps due to an upgrade made to HikariCP that caused a conditional failure and prevented the downstream Snaps to supply the parameters to the stored procedure.  

  • Fixed an issue with Snowflake Execute and Snowflake Select Snaps where the Snap displayed an exception error when the FLOAT or DOUBLE datatype column has the value as NaN (Not a Number). Now the output value is written as-is (NaN) for FLOAT or DOUBLE datatype column and does not display an exception.

  • Enhanced the following Snowflake Accounts with support for Key Pair Authentication.

  • Removed support for unencrypted Private Keys to enforce security in Snowflake accounts.



May 14, 2022 


Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

4.28 Patch


Apr 12, 2022 


  • Updated the Snowflake - Bulk Upsert Snap for the following:

    • The Snap displayed a incorrect resolution when the length of the value exceeded the value defined in a column.

    • The Snap failed with a NullPointer Exception when no value was provided for Error Limit field and Error percentage limit fields.

    • The Snap displayed an incorrect error message when S3 details were not provided.

    • Added the On Error dropdown list, where you can select an action to perform when the Snap encounters errors in a file.

  • Removed the Username field in the following accounts to allow reusing of accounts among different users:

  • The following enhancements were done for Snowflake - Bulk Load Snap:

    • The Snap skips AWS account validation if S3 Storage Integration property is provided.

    • The Snap skips the validate command if S3 Storage Integration property is not provided

    • The Snap overrides the storage integration specified in the account settings with the storage integration specified in the Snap settings.

  • Enhanced the Snowflake - Unload Snap to skip AWS account validation if S3 Storage Integration property is provided.



Feb 12, 2022 




Nov 23, 2021 


Enhanced the Snowflake SCD2 Snap to support Pipeline parameters for Natural key and Cause-historization fields.



Nov 13, 2021 


  • Enhanced the Snowflake S3 Database Account to skip batch execution, when the Batch size value is one. When the Batch size is greater than one, the batch is executed.

  • Added the following truncate options to Snowflake - Bulk Load Snap to truncate existing data before performing data load to more efficiently transfer data where possible.

    • Truncate data: Truncates existing data before performing data load. 

    • Truncate columns: Truncates column values that are larger than the maximum column length in the table.

  • Enhanced the Snowflake - Execute Snap to invoke stored procedures.

4.26 Patch


Sep 3, 2021 


Fixed an issue with Snowflake Insert and Snowflake Bulk Load Snaps where the schema names or database names containing underscore (_) caused the time out of Pipelines.



Aug 14, 2021 


  • Enhanced Snowflake - Lookup and Snowflake SCD2 Snaps with the Input Date Format field to select from the following two options:

    • Continue to execute the snap with the given input Date format

    • Auto Convert the format to Snowflake default format

  • Added a new account type Snowflake Google Storage Database to connect to Google Cloud Storage to load data.

  • Added support for all existing Snowflake Snap accounts to connect to a Snowflake instance hosted on the Google Cloud Platform



Jul 7, 2021


Enhanced the Snowflake S3 Database and Snowflake S3 Dynamic accounts with a new field S3 AWS Token that allows you to connect to private and protected Amazon S3 buckets.



May 8, 2021 


Upgraded with the latest SnapLogic Platform release.

4.24 Patch


Apr 14, 2021 


Enhanced the Snowflake - Bulk Load Snap to allow transforming data using a new field Select Query before loading data into the Snowflake database. This option enables you to query the staged data files by either reordering the columns or loading a subset of table data from a staged file. This Snap supports CSV and JSON file formats for this data transformation.



Feb 13, 2021


Enhanced the Snowflake - Select Snap to return only the selected output fields or columns in the output schema (second output view) using the Fetch Output Fields In Schema check box. If the Output Fields field is empty all the columns are visible.

4.23 Patch


Dec 28, 2020 


Fixed the performance issue in the Snowflake - Bulk Load Snap while using External Staging on Amazon S3.



Nov 14, 2020 


4.22 Patch 


Nov 6, 2020 


Fixed an issue with the Snowflake Snaps that failed while displaying similar error in the Snowflake URL connection: message, Invalid character '=' in value part of property, repeatedly when there is "=" or ":" .

4.22 Patch


Oct 16, 2020 
