Proxy Details

Proxy Details

On this page

View the Proxy Settings

To view the settings of a Proxy:

  1. In the API Manager, go to the APIs & Proxies tab:

    1. In SnapLogic Manager, go to API Management > API Manager.

    2. In the API Manager, go to the APIs & Proxies tab.

    3. Set Filter by Type to Proxy and click Search.

  2. Click the Proxy's name in the list.

The Proxy Details tab displays the details of the selected Proxy.

Edit the Proxy Details

To edit the Description and Tags of the Proxy, click Edit Details.

Edit Details dialog

You can update only the Description and Tags of the Proxy.

Generate a Specification of a Proxy

APIM supports generating a specification in the Proxy Details tab. When you generate a specification, the specification files are created in the format of the specification that was uploaded to create the Proxy.

When you generate a specification using version OAS 3.0 in an API proxy that has a valid endpoint, the generated specification does not list a server.
Workaround: Edit the specification to include the server field and list the Snaplex manually.

Empty Proxy

Specifications are not generated for Proxies without endpoints. If you create an empty proxy, you can manually add endpoints, then generate the specification. Otherwise, you should create a new Proxy and associate a specification with it.

To generate the Proxy specification:

  1. In the Proxy Details tab, click Generate API Specification.


  2. In the Generate API Specification dialog, select from the following options:

    1. File type. Choose from one of the two following options:

      • JSON

      • YAML

    2. OpenAPI version. Choose from one of the two following options:

      • 2.0

      • 3.0

  3. Click Generate. The following message appears:
    API Specification generated per the modifications made to the API implementation.

The generated specification is in the Open API Specification (OAS) format, and the API consumer can view its contents when viewing the API’s documentation in the Developer Portal.

Choose Proxy Hosts

To choose which Snaplexes host your Proxy, click View URL(s) under Proxy Hosts.

The suffixes of the URLs are the Proxy's Hostname setting, which includes the Proxy Name.