Proxy Security Policies

Proxy Security Policies


Supported security policies for Proxies and endpoints are the same as those for APIs and API Versions.

To apply security policies to the Proxy or to the endpoints, edit the Proxy settings or the endpoint settings.

Note: A Proxy and its endpoints can have a maximum of one enabled policy of each policy type. If both the Proxy and the endpoint have defined policies of the same type, the endpoint policy has precedence over the Proxy policy.

Learn more about each policy type and its settings: Supported API Policies

Viewing Security Policies

To view the list of security policies that are defined for a Proxy or for an endpoint, go to the details page of the Proxy or the endpoint.

  • To go to the Proxy details page:

    1. In the API Manager, go to the APIs & Proxies tab.

      1. In SnapLogic Manager, go to API Management > API Manager.

      2. In the API Manager, go to the APIs & Proxies tab.

      3. Set Filter by Type to Proxy and click Search.

    2. Click the Proxy's name in the list. The Proxy Details tab opens:

  • To go to the endpoint details page:

    1. In the API Manager, open a Proxy for editing, then go to the Proxy Endpoints tab.

      1. In SnapLogic Manager, go to API Management > API Manager.

      2. In the API Manager, go to the APIs & Proxies tab.

      3. Set Filter by Type to Proxy and click Search.

      4. Click the Proxy's name in the list.

      5. Go to the Proxy Endpoints tab.

    2. Click the endpoint's name in the list. The