Viewing Pipeline APIs in Swagger

Viewing Pipeline APIs in Swagger

In this article


You can download Ultra Tasks and Triggered Tasks in your SnapLogic pipelines as REST APIs in the YAML and JSON file format. The API files conform with the OpenAPI Specifications. 

Download the OpenAPI Specification file


You must have the write permissions for a project. If you don’t have write permission, the Open API menu option is disabled.


  1. In the SnapLogic Manager, browse to your project folder that has the Trigger Tasks and Ultra Tasks for which you want to download the OpenAPI YAML and JSON file formats. You can download the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) files in either 2.0 or 3.0 versions

  2. Click the project folder and select Open API to download the related API.


  3. Select the download format (YAML or JSON) and select the Triggered Tasks and Ultra Tasks you want to include. You can exclude tasks by deselecting them from the list.


The YAML and JSON files have the Swagger specs of all the tasks across pipelines in the specific project folder.


  1. You can view the downloaded API (YAML or JSON) file in any text editor or the Swagger editor.



The following table lists the possible errors and solutions while downloading the YAML or .JSON OpenAPI Specification file.





No triggered or ultra tasks found in project

Create at least one working triggered or ultra task for a pipeline in the project folder

No node available for the selected Snaplex

The associated Snaplex in the task must have at least one active node

Pipeline not found for ID

A task must be part of a pipeline in the project

Cannot find plex for runtime path

The selected Snaplex must be available while creating the task

Permission denied 

The SnapLogic user must have either Read and Write, Full Access, or Owner permission to create an Open API file

Validation errors

There should be no validation errors in the pipelines of the said project folder

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