Oracle Thin Dynamic Account

Oracle Thin Dynamic Account

In this article


Use this account type to connect Oracle Snaps with data sources that use Oracle accounts. This account uses dynamic values and enables you to specify account properties as expressions that reference Pipeline parameters.

Expression-enabled authentication fields, such as Username, Password, and Client Secret, support Secrets Management, a SnapLogic add-on that allows you to store endpoint credentials in a third-party secrets manager, such as AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault, or HashiCorp Vault. During validation and execution, pipelines obtain the credentials directly from the secrets manager. Learn more: Configure Accounts to use secrets.

JDBC Driver Upgrade

The Oracle JDBC Driver is upgraded from OJDBC6 JAR (v11.2.0.4) to OJDBC10 JAR (v19.20.0.0) in the latest distribution in October 2023 and deployed to the stable distribution in the November 2023 release (after the Snaplex upgrade). The latest JDBC driver upgrade is backward-compatible. Learn more: Oracle JDBC Driver Upgrade from v11.2.0.4 to v19.20.0.0 and JOOQ Upgrade from v3.9.1 to 3.17.x.

You can consume this driver upgrade with the 434patches23000 Snap Pack version.

Behavior Change

This JDBC driver upgrade has resulted in specific behavior changes that include errors, status codes, and success and failure messages. Learn more about the behavior changes to ensure your migration to the upgraded driver is seamless. 


Kerberos authentication for Oracle setup in the Windows/Linux environment.

Known Issues


Account Settings

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueExample
Label*StringRequiredUnique name for the account.N/AOracle123DB
JDBC URL SourceDropdown List

Required. The source of the JDBC URL that you want to use. 

  • Snap Generated: The JDBC URL that SnapLogic generates using the details you provide in the Account Settings popup.
  • User Provided: The JDBC URLs that you provide directly into the Custom JDBC URL field. 

    If you select User Provided, the Hostname, Port Number, and Database Name fields are replaced by the Custom JDBC URL field.

Snap GeneratedN/A
Account properties*FieldsetRequired. Enter the information to create a connection to the database.N/AN/A

Required if JDBC URL Source is Snap Generated. The server address to which the application must connect.

This property is expression-enabled. For more information on the expression language, see Understanding Expressions in SnapLogic and Using Expressions. For information on Pipeline Parameters, see Pipeline Properties.

If you need to connect to an on-premise server, specify the domain name or the IP address. For example, test.mydbserver.com or

  • oratestdb2.cwztruwzzvnq.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com

Port numberString/Expressions

Required if JDBC URL Source is Snap Generated. The database server's port number to which the application must connect.

This property is expression-enabled. For more information on the expression language, see Understanding Expressions in SnapLogic and Using Expressions. For information on Pipeline Parameters, see Pipeline Properties.

Database nameString/Expressions

Required if JDBC URL Source is Snap Generated. The database name to which the application must connect.

This property is expression-enabled. For more information on the expression language, see Understanding Expressions in SnapLogic and Using Expressions. For information on Pipeline Parameters, see Pipeline Properties.

Custom JDBC URLString/Expressions

Required if JDBC URL Source is User Provided. The JDBC URLs that you want to use to connect to your Oracle account.

Use this option if you want to use complex JDBC URLs (involving multiple hosts and advanced options) to connect to your Oracle instance. For example, if you want to connect to Oracle DataGuard, you can enter a JDBC like the one below:


This property is expression-enabled. For more information on the expression language, see Understanding Expressions in SnapLogic and Using Expressions. For information on Pipeline Parameters, see Pipeline Properties.


The user name that is allowed to connect to the database. It is used as the default username when retrieving connections. The user name must be valid in order to set up the data source.

This property is expression-enabled. For more information on the expression language, see Understanding Expressions in SnapLogic and Using Expressions. For information on Pipeline Parameters, see Pipeline Properties.


The password used to connect to the data source. It is used as the default password when retrieving connections. The password must be valid in order to set up the data source.

This property is expression-enabled. For more information on the expression language, see Understanding Expressions in SnapLogic and Using Expressions. For information on Pipeline Parameters, see Pipeline Properties.

JDBC JARsFieldset

List of JDBC JAR files to be loaded. Click  to add a JDBC Driver, click  to remove a JDBC Driver.

JDBC driverString

The Oracle JDBC Driver is migrated from ORAJDBC6 ( version) to OJDBC10 JAR ( version). However, you can specify a custom JBDC driver to use. Click the Database  icon to upload an existing JAR file from the SLDB. If this property is left blank, a default JDBC driver is loaded.

Behavior Change

This JDBC driver upgrade has resulted in specific behavior changes within the Snap Pack. These changes include errors, status codes, and success and failure messages. The latest JDBC driver upgrade is backward-compatible.  

When you use the relative path for the JDBC JAR file in accounts across different projects, the pipelines fail with the JAR FILE NOT FOUND error. Therefore, you must use the absolute path for the JDBC JAR file to run your pipelines successfully.

Only v11. of a JDBC driver supports user-defined types.

N/AProject Spaces/my_diagnostic_space/my_diagnostic /sqljdbc4-2.0.jar
JDBC driver class*StringRequired. The name of the JBDC driver to use.oracle.jdbc.OracleDriveroracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Database specifier type*Dropdown List

Specify the database specifier type to use. The selected option decides which format of URL for JDBC is to be used internally. The valid options are:

  • SID: Uses the jdbc:oracle:thin@HOST:PORT:DBNAME format.
  • Service name: Uses the jdbc:oracle:thin@//HOST:PORT/DBNAME format. 
Service nameService name
SSL/ TCPSCheckbox

Opt for or against connecting through SSL to the Oracle instance.

If selected, the following format of URL is used internally:


Not SelectedNot Selected

Authentication method

Dropdown List

Choose the authentication method to use when connecting to Oracle. The available options are:

  • User ID and Password

  • Kerberos

    • Kerberos authentication for Oracle supports both Windows and Linux-based databases and also supports Service account and User impersonation Kerberos authentication.

    • When the authentication method is Kerberos, for service account, you must leave the Username and Password fields empty and add the below property to the URL Properties:

      oracle.net.kerberos5_cc_name = <Path to cache file>

User ID and PasswordKerberos

Kerberos config path


Appears when the Authentication method is Kerberos. 

Specify the path to the Kerberos configuration file.

Kerberos authentication for Oracle supports both Windows and Linux-based databases and also supports Service account and User impersonation Kerberos authentication.

Advanced propertiesN/ASpecify advanced properties to connect to the database.N/AN/A
Auto commitCheckbox/Expressions

Opt for or against setting the auto-commit property for a database.

  • When selected, each of the batches is committed immediately after it is executed. If the Snap fails, only the batch being executed at that moment is rolled back.
  • When not selected, the Snap execution output is committed only after all the batches are executed. If the Snap fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, unless the Snap finds invalid input data before it sends the insert request to the server, and routes the error documents to the Error view.
Batch size*Integer/Expressions

Required. Set the number of statements that the Snap must execute at a time.

Select queries are not batched.

Using a large batch size could use up the JDBC placeholder limit of 2100.

Fetch size*Integer/Expressions

Required. Set the number of rows that the Snap must fetch at a time when executing a query.

Large values could cause the server to run out of memory.

Max pool size*Integer/ExpressionsRequired. Set the maximum number of connections that a pool must maintain at a time.5050
Max lifetime (minutes)*Integer/ExpressionsRequired. Set the maximum time (in minutes) of a connection in the pool. Ensure that the value you enter is a few seconds shorter than any database or infrastructure-imposed connection time limit. A value of 0 indicates an infinite lifetime, subject to the Idle Timeout value. An in-use connection is never retired. Connections are removed only after they are closed.3035
Idle timeout (minutes)*Integer/ExpressionsRequired. Set the maximum time (in seconds?) that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool. A value of 0 indicates that idle connections are never removed from the pool.55
Checkout timeout (milliseconds)*Integer/Expressions

Required. Set the time in milliseconds to wait for a connection to be available when the pool is exhausted. 

If you provide 0, the Snap waits infinitely until the connection is available. Therefore, we recommend you not to specify 0 for Checkout Timeout.

URL propertiesN/ASpecify input regarding URL properties.N/AN/A
URL property nameString/ExpressionsName for the URL property.N/ABatch_Refresh_Time
URL property valueString/ExpressionsValue for the URL property.N/A10



Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication

Caused by: javax.security.auth.login.LoginException.

Ensure to provide a valid ticket cache path (/tmp/krb5cc_Administrator) and have enough permissions.

The service in the process is not supported.

Operation unavailable.

 Ensure to create the Kerberos ticket for the user using "okinit -f"

Got minus one from the read call.

 Keytab is not valid.

Ensure to create a new keytab file and place it in %ORACLE_HOME%/network/admin.

The service in the process is not supported.

An Invalid name provided (Mechanism level: KrbException: Cannot locate default realm)

Ensure to provide valid krb5.conf path in the account settings.

TNS:listener does not currently know of the service requested in the connect descriptor

Oracle service is down.

Ensure the Oracle service is up and running.

Cause: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

The Listener refused the connection with the following error:

ORA-12505, TNS: The listener does not currently know of the SID given in the connect descriptor.

For Linux environment:


For Windows environment:


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