Amazon SNS Account

Amazon SNS Account

In this article


You can use this SnapLogic Account to connect Snaps in the Amazon SNS Snap Pack to your Amazon SNS service.




The AWS SNS extended client does not support sending JSON messages larger than 256 KB.
Work-around: You can use the TEXT format instead of the JSON format for sending messages.

Known Issues


Account Settings

  • Asterisk (*): Indicates a mandatory field.

  • Suggestion icon (): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.

  • Expression icon ( ): Indicates the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.

  • Add icon ( ): Indicates that you can add fields in the fieldset.

  • Remove icon (): Indicates that you can remove fields from the fieldset.

Field Name

Field Type

Field Dependency


Field Name

Field Type

Field Dependency




Default ValueN/A
ExampleAmazon SNS Account



Specify a unique label for the account.


Access-key ID


Default Value: N/A



Specify the access key ID of AWS authentication.


Secret key


Default Value: N/A



Specify the secret key of AWS authentication.


Security token


Default Value: N/A



Specify a security token that is part of AWS Security Token Service (STS) credentials. Note that only global STS regions are supported.


IAM role


Default ValueNot selected



Select this checkbox to use the IAM role stored in the EC2 instance to access SNS. In this case, Access-key ID and Secret key are ignored. This feature is valid only in EC2-type Groundplex.

For more information on IAM Roles, see IAM roles for Amazon EC2.

You can use an IAM role to manage temporary credentials for applications running on an EC2 instance and making AWS CLI or AWS API requests. This is preferable to storing access keys within the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud EC2 (Amazon EC2) instance. To assign an AWS role to an EC2 instance and make it available to all of its applications, you create an instance profile attached to the instance. An instance profile contains the role and enables programs that are running on the EC2 instance to get temporary credentials. For more information, see Using an IAM role to grant permissions to applications running on Amazon EC2 instances in the IAM User Guide.


Cross Account IAM Role

Use this fieldset to set up cross-account IAM role access. It consists of the following fields.

Role ARN


Default Value: None



Specify the Amazon Resource Name of the role to assume.


External ID


Default Value: None
Example: 795735



Specify an optional external ID that might be required by the role to assume.


Enable large message support


Default value: Deselected


When you select this checkbox, the S3 fields to configure for supporting large messages display.

Select this checkbox to enable the SNS Publish Message Snap to send and receive messages greater than 256 KB. When you select this checkbox, the S3 fields appear.

The AWS SNS Extended Client Library for Java uses S3 only if the message size is greater than 256 KB.

S3 Configuration for Large Message Support

Use this field set to configure the S3 bucket details for processing large messages.

S3 Bucket


Default Value: N/A
Example: sandbox-s3-bucket


Appears when you select the Enable Large Message Support checkbox.

Specify the S3 Bucket name residing in an external AWS account.

If the field is left empty, the default region (the region of the EC2 instance, or us-west-2 if the JCC is not on a EC2) is used. 


S3 Bucket region


Default value: N/A
Example: us-west-2


Appears when you select the Enable Large Message Support checkbox.

Specify the region where the S3 Bucket is located.

S3 Credentials


Default valueUse SNS Credentials
ExampleProvide Separate Credentials


Appears when you select the Enable Large Message Support checkbox.


Choose the S3 credentials for the S3 Bucket. The available options are:

  • Use SNS Credentials

  • Provide Separate Credentials

S3 access key ID


Default Value: N/A
Example: <Encrypted>


Appears when you select Provide Separate Credentials for S3 Credentials.

Specify the S3 access key ID that you want to use for AWS authentication.

S3 Secret Key


Default Value: N/A
Example: <Encrypted>


Appears when you select Provide Separate Credentials for S3 Credentials.

Specify the S3 secret key associated with the S3 Access-ID key listed in the S3 Access-key ID field.

S3 Security Token


Default Value: N/A


Appears when you select Provide Separate Credentials for S3 Credentials.

Specify a security token that is part of AWS Security Token Service (STS) credentials. Note that only global STS regions are supported.


Use EC2 Role


Default ValueDeselected


Appears when you select Provide Separate Credentials for S3 Credentials.

Select this checkbox to use the Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute Role.

Assumed role ARN


Default Value: N/A
Example: arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/MyRole/12345678901234567890123456789012


Appears when you select Provide Separate Credentials for S3 Credentials.

Specify the Amazon Resource Name of the role to assume.

Assumed role External ID


Default Value: N/A
Example: 1234567890123456


Appears when you select Provide Separate Credentials for S3 Credentials.

Specify an external ID that may be required by the role to assume.

Amazon SNS Account Configuration Scenarios

The following are the possible configuration combinations for the Amazon SNS account:


Authentication Type

Other Details


Authentication Type

Other Details

When you configure the account using the Access Key ID, Secret key, and Security token.


The SNS credentials are used for authentication.



Specify values in the following fields:

  • Access Key ID

  • Secret key

  • Security token (optional)

Learn more about Generating Access and Secret Keys in AWS.

IAM Role

When you configure the account using the IAM Role.


The IAM role attached to the EC2 instance is used for authentication. This role is assigned to an EC2 instance where the pipelines run.

You do not have to provide the Access Key ID and Secret key.

Select the IAM role checkbox for an account used in EC2 Groundplex that has the IAM role assigned.

When you configure the SNS account using the IAM Role with the Enable large message support checkbox selected.

When you select Use SNS Credentials for S3 Credentials.


Authenticates using the SNS credentials for S3.

Specify values in the following fields:

  • S3 Bucket

  • S3 Bucket region.

When you select Provide Separate Credentials for S3 Credentials.

Authenticates using the specified separate S3 credentials.

Specify values in the following fields:

  • S3 Bucket

  • S3 Bucket region.

  • S3 access key ID

  • S3 Secret key

  • S3 Security Token (optional)

Cross Account IAM Role

When you configure the account using the Cross Account IAM Role.

Authenticates using the Role ARN generated in AWS.

Specify values in the following fields:

  • Role ARN

  • External ID (optional)

Learn more about Configuring Cross Account IAM Role Support.

When you configure the SNS account by selecting the Cross Account IAM Role and the Enable large message support checkboxes.

When you select Use SNS Credentials for S3 Credentials.


Authenticates using the SNS credentials.

Specify values in the following fields:

  • Access Key ID

  • Secret key

  • Security token (optional)

When you select Provide Separate Credentials for S3 Credentials.

Authenticates using the specified S3 credentials.

Specify values in the following fields:

  • S3 credentials:

    • S3 access key ID

    • S3 Secret key

    • S3 Security token (optional)

EC2 Role

When you configure the account using the EC2 Role for S3.

The IAM role attached to the EC2 instance is used for authentication.

Select the Use EC2 Role checkbox.

When you configure the account using the EC2 Role for S3 with the Cross Account IAM Role.

Authenticates using the Assumed role ARN.

Select the Use EC2 Role checkbox and specify values in the following fields:

  • Assumed role ARN

  • Assume role External ID (optional)

Learn more about Configuring an EC2 role for IAM Role in AWS S3 Account








Invalid account configuration.

You might have entered empty or null values in Cross Account IAM Role fields.

Enter valid values for Cross Account IAM Role.


One or more pipeline parameters must be configured in the pipeline. Validation is not applicable for pipeline parameters.

Do not validate the account if you provide pipeline parameters.


Either Access key or secret key might be empty.

You must provide valid credentials for SNS if the IAM role is disabled.

Blank or empty S3 Key ID.

Either Access key or Secret key is empty.

Provide a valid Access key and Secret key.

The message size is greater than 2 GB.

The size of the message size is greater than 2 GB.

The maximum limit for the message size should be 2 GB.

Snap Pack History

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