Twilio Auth Token Account

Twilio Auth Token Account

In this article


Use this account type to connect Twilio Snaps with data sources that use Account SID and Auth Token for authentication.


  • Valid Account SID.
  • Auth Token corresponding to the given ID.

Limitations and Known Issues


Account Settings

ParameterData TypeDescription

Default ValueExample 

Required. Provide a name for the account.
We recommend you update the account name if there is more than one account in your project.


Account SID


Required. Enter the Account Security Identifier (SID)
The Account SID is generated by Twilio once you sign up for their services, which represents your User name. 

Auth TokenStringRequired. Enter the Auth token.
The Auth Token is generated along with the Account SID.



Permission Denied

  • Wrong combination of Account SID and Auth Token are used.
  • Using Test Credentials to access your Live Account.
  • Using subaccount credentials to access master account.
  • The previous Auth Token has been deleted.
  • The account must be suspended or closed.
  • Extra characters or spaces in the given credentials.
  • Web proxy is stripping out credentials before forwarding it to Twilio.

Authenticate your account using Account SID as the username, and Auth Token as the password. You can find the credentials in your Twilio Console.

  • Verify the Account SID and Auth Token are correct.
  • Verify if the correct Account is being accessed.
  • Ensure the account is active, and not suspended or closed.
  • Ensure that there are no extra characters or spaces in the Account SID and Auth Token fields.

See Also