Viewing Scheduled Task Schedules in Manager
Viewing Scheduled Task Schedules in Manager
In this article
You can view information about your Scheduled Tasks in SnapLogic Manager in either an agenda or calendar view. The tasks displayed are only those to which you have access.
Agenda View
On the top right, click Agenda to view a list of Tasks scheduled to run for the date shown on the left.
Expand individual tasks to see who created the Task and with which Project and Snaplex it is associated. You can also edit the Task and view the Execution Statistics for the Task from this display.
The Agenda view offers the following navigation:
- Click Expand all and Collapse all to toggle the information displayed for all tasks.
- Click the previous and next arrows to view seven days before and after respectively.
- Click Today to see tasks before Now, your current time, and after Now.
Calendar View
Click the Month tab to see the Tasks in a calendar view.
- Click on an individual task to see who created the Task, and with which project and Snaplex it is associated. You can also edit the task or view the Execution Statistics for the task.
- If more Tasks exist for a day than can fit in the calendar, click on the + more link to see the full list of tasks for that day.
- Click Today to bring you back to the current month, where today is shaded.
, multiple selections available,
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