Configuring Box Accounts

In this article

Account Configuration

You can create an account from Designer or Manager. In Designer, when working on pipelines, every Snap that needs an account prompts you to create a new account or use an existing account. The accounts can be created in or used from:

  • Your private project folder: This folder contains the pipelines that will use the account.
  • Your Project Space’s shared folder: This folder is accessible to all the users that belong to the Project Space.
  • The global shared folder: This folder is accessible to all the users within an organization in the SnapLogic instance.

Account Types Account

FieldField TypeDescription
Label*StringSpecify a unique name for the account instance.
Access tokenStringThe access token for the application. The retrieval of the access token is done when setting up the account for the endpoint. There, the OAuth2 flow will be executed and the resulting access token will be stored in this property. The access token might be refreshable, in that case an optional refresh token can be stored. The user must get a new access token if the access token has expired and no refresh token was defined or both the access and the refresh token have expired.
Refresh tokenStringThe refresh token for the application. The retrieval of the refresh token is done when setting up the account for the endpoint. There, the OAuth2 flow will be executed and the resulting refresh token can be stored in this property. If the refresh token is stored, then the access token can be refreshed automatically before it expires.
Access token expirationString

The access token expiration value.

Per Box, access token must expire under 60 minutes.

OAuth2 Endpoint*String

Authorization endpoint to authorize the application.

Default Value: ""

Recommended value as per Box: ""

OAuth2 Token*String

Token endpoint to get the access token.

Default Value: ""

Recommended value as per Box: ""

Auth endpoint configStringProvides custom properties for the OAuth2 auth endpoint.
RefreshStringRefresh access token. Available after the account has been saved.
Auto-refresh tokenCheckboxRefreshes the token automatically using the refresh token if the property is enabled. Otherwise the token might expire and will not be automatically refreshed.

Starts the OAuth authorization flow. Account will be saved before authorize. 

You must grant access to the OAuth2.0 application owned by SnapLogic® after you click the Authorize button.
You can use the Box Service Account, where you must provide the Client ID and Client Secret of your OAuth 2.0 instance in the Box application.

Connection Timeout (seconds)Integer

Specify connection timeout in seconds. A value of 0 indicates infinite timeout.

Default Value60

Read Timeout (seconds)Integer

Specify read timeout in seconds. A value of 0 indicates infinite timeout.

Default Value900

Write Timeout (seconds)Integer

Set write timeout in seconds. A value of 0 indicates infinite timeout.

Default Value900

You need to use a Box Enterprise account.

Box Service Account

A service account enables multiple users to use the same account for performing operations in Box. You can use this account type to connect to a Box application that has OAuth2 with JWT Token authentication. 


Create a service account application in Box because all the parameters required to configure this account type are generated in the Box admin console. See JWT Application Setup for details.

See the App Settings JSON file for the account parameters. Alternatively, perform the following steps to get the parameters from the Box developer console:

  1. Log in to your Box developer console.
  2. Navigate to the Box service account app you are working with, and click Edit Application
  3. Go to the OAuth 2 Parameters section of the configuration page.
    The parameters appear against their corresponding fields.

FieldField TypeDescription

User provided label for the account instance.

Default Value: N/A

Client ID*String

The client ID of the application requesting authentication. 

Default value: N/A
Example: plb5ltfzq9bz7micz6x6p5zfnycw98e3

Client secretString

The client secret of the application requesting authentication. 

Default Value: N/A

Public key IDString

The public key ID of the application. 

Default Value: N/A

Private keyString

The encrypted private key.

Default Value: N/A


TesT9KeyG12keyOn\nTESTKEYKEYb3TESTKEy/xheTESTKEYSC BMhL9TFI/pX0EVwkT44TeSTI9DuXIIlsg\nwqYRdj7QE/aO\nN0xn8 p\nYnhxJab0\n26k=\n


Private key passphraseString

The private key passphrase associated with the encrypted private key. 

Default Value: N/A

Enterprise IDString

The enterprise ID associated with the Box application. 

Default Value: N/A

Connection timeout (seconds)


Specify connection timeout in seconds. A value of 0 indicates infinite timeout.

Default Value60

Read timeout (seconds)


Specify read timeout in seconds. A value of 0 indicates infinite timeout.

Default Value900

Write Timeout (seconds)


Set write timeout in seconds. A value of 0 indicates infinite timeout.

Default Value900

Account Encryption

Standard Encryption

If you are using Standard Encryption, the High sensitivity settings from the table under Enhanced Encryption are followed.

Enhanced Encryption

If you have the Enhanced Account Encryption feature, the following describes which fields are encrypted for each sensitivity level selected per each account.

  • High:
  • Medium + High:
  • Low + Medium + High: Access token, Refresh token