March 2024 Release Notes

March 2024 Release Notes


The SnapLogic® March 2024 Release includes the following:

Admin Manager

  • User account list includes how many groups the user belongs to

API Management

  • Improved pipeline structure when you generate an API version from an OAS specification

  • New public API for API version import/export


  • HTTP Client source endpoint

  • Infer schemas from CSV files

  • Apply transformations to CSV files


  • New Insights page available to admin and non-admin users


  • The OpenAPI option in Manager now provides options for format and version


  • Anaplan OAuth2 Account

  • The Anaplan Snap Pack's SDK is replaced with direct REST API calls—a lightweight way to interact with the SnapLogic platform


  • Added support for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

  • You can now leverage SnapGPT to generate SnapLogic expressions within the expression field in a Snap

  • Added an independent settings dialog for SnapGPT

Dot Releases - Platform


Version Update



Version Update


Mar 21, 2024

API Policies Snap Pack version: 436patches25626

After the March release, the JWT Validator policy is updated to automatically detect the signing algorithm using the JWT token's header and key. Previously, you had to select the HSA algorithm manually via the Signing Algorithm* field. This policy only supports RSA, HSA, and ECDSA signed keys.

Mar 13, 2024

Snaplex version: main-22988 - 4.36 Patch 2

Fixed issues with the HTTP Retry and HTTP Response Cache policies.

Dot Releases - Snaps

Snap Pack

Date of Update

Snap Pack Version


Snap Pack

Date of Update

Snap Pack Version


NetSuite SOAP

Apr 9, 2024


Fixed an issue with NetSuite Upsert Snap that displayed a null pointer exception when the account had insufficient permissions. Now the Snap displays a configuration exception when the customFieldRecord is null.

ML Data Preparation

Apr 3, 2024


Enhanced the Deduplicate Snap to honor an interrupt while waiting in the delay loop to manage the memory efficiently.

SQL Server

Apr 3, 2024


Fixed an issue with the SQL Server - Insert Snap that previously displayed an error when attempting to insert a true or false value into a TinyInt datatype. The Snap now correctly inserts 1 or 0 for true or false in the table, respectively. 


Apr 3, 2024


Enhanced the JWT Account to support Secret key authentication.


Apr 2, 2024


  • Fixed an issue with the Oracle - Bulk Load Snap to handle the type definition of nvarchar and nchar data types by defining them in the control file of the SQL loader.

  • Fixed an issue with the Oracle - Bulk Load Snap that incorrectly incremented the year part of the DATE datatype for specific datasets.

  • Fixed an issue with the Oracle - Merge Snap that did not handle the timestamp conversion correctly when the time was not in the hh:mm format and had single digits (for example, 1:9) in the timestamp.

  • The Oracle - Execute Snap displays both the status and the message in the output when you call stored procedures.

Behavior Change:

As part of 436patches25696, when you use a stored procedure in the Oracle - Execute Snap, the Snap displays Message: Success and $UPDATE_COUNT=-1, 0, or 1 (specific to the Snap Pack) in the output.


Mar 28, 2024


  • Enhanced the Snowflake Bulk Load Snap to fetch the file format types based on the selected Datasource. The Snap now supports only CSV and NONE file format types (as a Suggestions list) when the Datasource is Input view.

  • Enhanced the Snowflake Bulk Upsert Snap to support only CSV and NONE file format types (as a Suggestions list).


Mar 27, 2024


  • Fixed an issue with the MySQL- Multi Execute Snap that committed the changes when the Snap was expected to roll back if any query failed and the Number of Retries was more than 0. The Snap now performs a rollback when one or more queries fail.

  • Fixed an issue with the MySQL-Insert Snap that displayed an error when you inserted values such as 128 or more in the Tinyint unsigned datatype when the datatype must accept all the values in the range of 0-255.

  • Fixed an issue with MySQL-Insert  Snap that failed to store the Time datatype with precision in the target table when passed from an upstream Mapper Snap in the string format or Date-only format.


Mar 27, 2024


Upgraded the jOOQ library of the Cassandra Snap Pack from v3.9.1 to v3.17.x.

This upgrade is currently NOT available with the latest distribution. However, you can still consume this patch through 436patches25597. This update is scheduled to be included in the latest distribution release on April 10, 2024, and will be a part of the stable distribution with the GA release on May 8, 2024.

Behavior change:

  • Previously, when TTL (time to live) was queried using a Select statement without specifying it during data insertion or update, the Cassandra Snaps would display '0'. Now, they return 'null' in such cases.

  • Previously, the null values were stored as ‘0' in the INT datatype columns, now they are stored as 'null'.

Azure Synapse SQL

Mar 27, 2024


Upgraded the jOOQ library of the Azure Synapse SQL Snap Pack from v3.9.1 to v3.17.x.

This upgrade is currently NOT available with the latest distribution. However, you can still consume this patch through 436patches25597. This update is scheduled to be included in the latest distribution release on April 10, 2024, and will be a part of the stable distribution with the GA release on May 8. 2024.

Behavior change:

Previously, when “null”(string) was passed from the upstream Mapper Snap for the Bigint datatype, the Azure Synapse SQL Update Snap updated it as null without displaying any error. It displayed the status as 0 and the output message as Success. Now, the Snap displays the following error in this scenario:

Error converting value(expecting a number but you are sending String(“null”))


Mar 26, 2024


Enhanced the Salesforce Bulk Create, Bulk Delete, Bulk Update, and Salesforce Bulk Upsert Snaps to include the complete error details under the original object that contains the copies of the failed input records.

Amazon Bedrock LLM

Mar 25, 2024


Introduced the Amazon Bedrock LLM Snap Pack, which contains the following Snaps and Account:

SQL Server

Mar 21, 2024


  • Added support for XML and spatial types (Geography and Geometry).

  • Fixed an issue with the SQL Server-Insert Snap that displayed an error when an empty or blank string was passed as a value to an integer-type column.

Behavior change:
As part of the jOOQ upgrade done in main25112, the SQL Server-Insert Snap displayed the following error when an empty string was inserted to an integer-type column:
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Character n is neither a decimal digit number, decimal point, nor "e" notation exponential mark
Now, the Snap inserts a null value in this scenario.


Mar 19, 2024


Fixed an issue with the Pipeline Execute Snap where a race condition resulted in output documents not being read.

NetSuite REST

Mar 18, 2024


Enhanced the NetSuite REST Snap Pack to optimize memory usage for long running pipelines.

API Suite

Mar 18, 2024


Enhanced the HTTP Client Snap to optimize the memory usage by accumulating the Request History objects only when you select the Enable debug checkbox. Now, the Snap displays debug information and lint warnings only (in both Error view and Output view) when you select the Enable debug checkbox.


Mar 18, 2024


  • Removed the case-sensitivity on values for the Action name field in the Anaplan Action Snap.

  • Removed the case-sensitivity on values for the Workspace and Model fields for all the Anaplan Snaps.


Mar 18, 2024


Fixed an issue with the JSON Formatter Snap that generated incorrect schema.

Google Directory

Mar 18, 2024


Fixed an issue with the Google Directory Read Snap that displayed a null pointer exception when the Filter attributes field set was configured with key-value entries.


Mar 14, 2024


  • Fixed a null pointer error in all the Copybook Snaps.

  • Fixed an issue in structure options in the COBOL Copybook Parser Snap.

Azure SQL

Mar 14, 2024


The Azure SQL Bulk Extract Snap now supports the Azure SQL Active Directory and Azure SQL Active Directory Dynamic Accounts.

Admin Manager

New Features

  • From the Users list, you can now see how many groups a user belongs to. Click the user to view the group names. Use the Groups page to add or remove users from groups. Learn more.

Behavior Changes

  • When an Environment admin deletes the last maintainer from a team account, the admin becomes a maintainer. Learn more.

API Management

New Features

  • APIM now maps all endpoints from an Open API Specification (OAS). When you create an API version from a specification, the pipeline that is generated automatically routes all endpoint paths. Before this release, you had to configure all of the endpoints in the pipeline through the expression language and pipeline parameters.



March Release



  • You can now use the public API to import and export API versions between control planes and Orgs.

  • Enhanced error handling for incorrect reference JAR files and automated update of reference assets, error pipelines, accounts, and associated JAR files across various folders or directories on API creation from an existing project. Learn More.

Fixed Issues

The following fixed issues depend on your Environment (Org) running the latest Snaplex version: main-22988 - 4.36 Patch 2 .

  • The HTTP Cache Response policy can now have multiple cached entries per policy.

  • Fixed an issue where expressions did not work in the HTTP Cache Response and HTTP Retry policies.

Known Issues

  • Lint issues occur when working with reference accounts, associated JAR files, and error pipelines in older versions of the Snaplex.

    • Workaround: Update the Snaplex to the latest version to resolve the lint issue.


New Features

  • The new HTTP Client endpoint enables you to use REST calls to load data from sources that are not natively supported by AutoSync. Learn more.

  • From the Monitor Execution overview screen, you can now copy a data pipeline name or open the data pipeline to edit it. To edit, in the execution row, click the three dots in the Actions column and select Open in AutoSync. Learn more.



  • You can now configure transformations for a CSV file endpoint. If you later select files with the same names as the previous load, AutoSync applies the same transformations. You can also edit them. Learn more.

  • The CSV file endpoint now supports transformations. Learn more.

  • If a source supports negative decimal values and the target does not, AutoSync uses the precision and scale supported by the target to avoid loss of precision. For example, Oracle and PostgreSQL support -99000 → 99000, a precision and scale of (2, -3). Target systems without negative decimal values would normally use (5,0) for this precision. Instead, AutoSync uses in the target a precision of (2,-3), which supports -99000 → 99000. Learn more.

Fixed Issues

  • The documentation previously stated that a last modified column was required for SQL-based source endpoints such as Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server. It now correctly describes the requirement as applying only to the Incremental load type. For Full load, you do not need a timestamp column. For an example, refer to the Oracle endpoint overview.

  • For the Generic JDBC endpoint, you can now select a database type.

Known Issues

  • Records can be updated incorrectly in a data pipeline using Incremental load with a Snowflake target if the credentials were created in AutoSync Manager or Classic Manager and they do not specify a Timezone Url Property. Without this property, the timestamp in the source and target can differ. Credentials created in AutoSync handle this automatically so that Incremental load works correctly.
    Workaround: To create Snowflake credentials in AutoSync Manager or Classic Manager, in the Advanced Properties section, click to add a Url Property. Enter Timezone as the name and UTC as the value.

GenAI Builder

  • Updated the suggest-field for Deployment ID in the Azure OpenAI LLM Snaps to use a current API endpoint.


New Features

  • The new Insights page in Monitor is available to admin and non-admin users. You can now view your environment use at a glance. Learn more.


  • In the Execution overview, the Actions menu now contains an option to open AutoSync data pipelines in the AutoSync Edit page. This menu is only available for the execution row of the parent pipeline.


The Dashboard is being replaced with Monitor. We encourage you to start using Monitor for monitoring and reporting requirements. Contact support@snaplogic.com if you need assistance.

New Features

  • The OpenAPI option in the Manager projects dropdown provides specification options of OAS version 3.0 for YAML and JSON formats identical to those in APIM. Learn More.


  • You can now receive notifications for the Failed to Start task status for tasks that did not start.

  • Changes to SSO settings are captured in the Activity Log.

  • Enhanced the UltraKeeper's handling of Ultra Tasks by enabling immediate preparation of regular Ultra tasks after FeedMasters are online, eliminating the previous 5-minute delay.

  • You can now directly access specific patterns in the public pattern catalog through hot links. Click on the hotlink received to navigate to the needed pattern page, ensuring a seamless browsing experience.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue with the Update a user Public API where the created_by parameters of a service account did not return the password reset email to the specified new admin email.

Known Issues

  • The SnapLogic Git Integration:

    • Azure Repos and GitLab display an internal server error if you try to discard changes to a tracked asset with the Removed status.

    • When you check out a repository for a project space, the Discard changes option is not available from the Git menu or the project menu for individual project folders.


The Snaps mentioned in this section are deployed on the Latest distribution type. To access the updated Snap Packs, an Org admin must select the Snap Pack version in Manager > Snap Packs.


jOOQ upgrade for JDBC Snap Pack:

  • We plan to upgrade the jOOQ library of the JDBC Snap Pack from v3.9.1 to v3.17.x on September 11, 2024 (Latest release). This upgrade will be part of the GA release on November 13, 2024 (Stable release). 

    • Pipelines using the Generic - JDBC Snaps might be impacted after the jOOQ upgrade, causing problems with executions because the latest jOOQ version might not be fully backward-compatible.

    • Therefore, we are planning to make this update available during June 2024 as a None distribution. We will provide more information (about the potential impact on your pipelines because of the upgrade) in the upcoming release.

JDBC Driver upgrade for PostgreSQL Snap Pack:

New Snaps/Accounts


  • The Anaplan Snap Pack's SDK is replaced with direct REST API calls—a lightweight way to interact with the SnapLogic platform. The Anaplan SDK is no longer supported.

  • Enhanced the AWS S3 Account for Hadoop with the External ID field that enables you to access Hadoop resources securely.

  • Added support for Model configuration in the OpenAI Embedder Snap.

  • Upgraded the Box Java SDK from v2.56.0 to v4.7.0.

  • Enhanced the PDF Formatter Snap to support case-insensitive letters from the upstream Snap.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue with the Amazon S3 Snaps that displayed a null pointer exception when the Access Key ID or Secret Key field was empty while using the S3 Express Bucket in the S3 Account. The Snaps now throw the configuration exception if either field is empty.

  • Fixed an out-of-memory error with the Aggregate Snap. This Snap no longer performs the presort for the input documents. Learn more about presorting unsorted input documents to be processed by the Aggregate Snap.

  • Fixed an issue with the ASB Producer Snap that could not set the key-value pairs in the Custom Properties field when configuring the Topic or Queue fields to  the Azure Service Bus.

  • Binary Snap Pack:

    • Fixed an issue with the File Poller Snap that displayed an exception when an unauthorized character ':' was used in the Windows Snaplex.

    • Fixed an issue with the File Writer Snap that partially wrote the file for some FTPS servers by pausing for seconds before closing the output stream as specified in the global property ftpsDelayBeforeClosing.

  • Fixed an issue with the Marketo Bulk Import and Bulk Lead Extract Snaps where the timeout was not disabled when the Timeout was set to 0.

  • Fixed an issue with the recurring bulk import operation for the Recurring Integrations API integration type in the Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM Bulk Import Snap, which previously displayed an intermittent error at the preprocessing step.

  • JDBC Snap Pack:

    • Fixed an issue with the Generic JDBC-Select, Insert, Update, and Table List Snaps that incorrectly displayed the Schema Name suggestions with the Cassandra driver connection.

    • Fixed an issue with the Generic JDBC-Select Snap that displayed an empty result with the MariaDB driver connection for output 1.

  • Fixed an issue with the Salesforce Mutual Authentication Account where the 8443 port was not used while authorizing the account. Now, the access token request uses the 8443 port for authorizing the Mutual Authentication Account.

Change in Supported Login URLs

Prior to 436patches25192, the Salesforce Mutual Authentication Account supported default Login URLs such as https://login.salesforce.com and https://test.salesforce.com. Starting from 436patches25192, this account no longer supports the default Login URLs—your existing pipelines using the Mutual Authentication Account with the default Login URLs might break. To prevent this, you must provide a valid Salesforce Login URL as part of your account configuration.

  • Fixed a null pointer exception in the Public Key Account for Binary Snap Pack when the Public Key field value is null. Now, the account displays a configuration exception for a null value.


  • Added support for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG is a natural language processing (NLP) technique that combines the strengths of both retrieval- and generative-based AI models. Here, the user can select pipelines to use to retrieve the required information.


  • Added settings for SnapGPT that helps you select a specific LLM model, choose mode for RAG (retrieval augmented generation), and others. The SnapGPT settings in User Settings is deprecated. Click the settings icon on the SnapGPT panel to open the Settings dialog.



  • You can now detach the SnapGPT panel, resize, and move it wherever you need it in the SnapLogic UI. Click the detach icon to move SnapGPT.

  • You can now leverage SnapGPT to generate SnapLogic expressions within the expression field in a Snap. Therefore, the Generate SnapLogic expressions prompt is deprecated from the Suggested Prompts section.

Documentation Enhancements


  • Updated example showcasing the Import of Project using Public API and added an error handling section to resolve common issues. Learn More.