December 2022 Release Notes

Key New Features

API Management:

  • JSON Validator API policy.

  • XML Schema Validator API policy.


  • Gainsight PX as a source endpoint.

  • Databricks as a destination endpoint.

  • New labeling of AutoSync dialogs for clarity.

Data Automation:

  • Support for the latest JDBC drivers for all supported CDWs.

Studio Patterns:

  • This release introduces 12 new Pipeline Patterns.


  • Migrate individual Assets from one Org to another.

  • Two new Public APIs are available: Export a Project and Create Project from Git Files.

  • Include Accounts and Expressions in your Project Imports.


  • The Kafka Consumer Snap includes a new Max Poll Interval (ms) field.

Dot Releases


Date of Update



Date of Update



Dec 22, 2022

Snaplex build: main-15212 - 4.31 Patch 3 (Recommended)

We strongly recommend that you use this version for your Snaplexes, even if you are currently on a prior 4.31 Snaplex version.

  • The mechanism by which Ultra Pipelines are prepared avoids spinning up extra unused instances.

  • Improved error messaging explains a stopped Pipeline when a user without Execute permission views an actively running Pipeline in Designer and attempts to modify its run frequency.

  • The API Manager asset.path function works in the Generic OAuth 2.0 API Policy.

Dec 22, 2022

Control plane

  • The limit on the number of your SnapLogic Assets that you can track with Git has been raised from 200 to 1000.


Snap Pack

Date of Update

Snap Pack Version


Snap Pack

Date of Update

Snap Pack Version



Jan 11, 2023


Introduced Workday REST Snap which enables you to connect to Workday REST APIs.


Jan 5, 2023


Fixed an issue with the Coupa OAuth2 account where the account intermittently failed when refreshing the access token.


Jan 2, 2023


The Join Snap does not fail with the Null Pointer Exception when you configure the Sorted streams field with Ascending.

Azure Synapse SQL

Jan 2, 2023


The Azure Synapse SQL- Bulkload Snap does not fail with the Invalid column value in CSV data file error when the input data contains field quote character (").

Exchange Online

Dec 29, 2022


When the Ultra Parent Pipeline is connected to a child Pipeline with the Send Email Snap using the Exchange Online OAuth2 application Account, it now refreshes, obtains a new access token, and continues the Snap operation.

Azure SQL

Jan 6, 2023(Stable)

Dec 29, 2022(Latest)


Fixed an issue with the Azure SQL - Execute Snap using the Azure SQL Active Directory Account that failed with SQL operation failed errors in environments using federated authentication.


Dec 21, 2022


The performance of the Redshift - Bulk Load Snap is improved by performing the CSV-format and GZIP-compression in multiple threads.


Dec 21, 2022


The JSON Splitter Snap includes memory improvements and a new Exclude List from Output Documents checkbox. This checkbox enables you to prevent the list that is split from getting included in output documents, and this also improves memory usage.


SQL Server

Azure Synapse SQL


Dec 19, 2022


The following Snaps no longer support the Preserve Case Sensitivity checkbox:

ML Data Preparation

Dec 19, 2022


The Deduplicate Snap now ignores fields with empty strings and whitespaces as it treats them as null values.

SQL Server

Dec 14, 2022


The SQL Server-Insert Snap now displays the error Number overflow: <number> (instead of Batch operation failed) when inserting a number into tinyinit column.


Dec 14, 2022


The Marketo Lead Read Snap includes a new Read All Pages checkbox, which enables you to fetch all records for a selected command.


Dec 14, 2022


The Oracle - Stored Procedure Snap now supports stored functions with OUT and INOUT parameters and displays these parameter values in the output along with the returnval key.

SQL Server

Dec 9, 2022


A memory leak in the SQL Server Stored Procedure Snap is fixed. The Snap now clears the closed connections from memory and retains the open connections.


Dec 8, 2022


The Snowflake S3 OAuth2 Account now supports expressions for external staging fields.

API Management

New Features

  • The JSON validator policy enables you to specify limits on various JSON structures, such as arrays and strings, and minimizes the risk posed by content-level attacks.

  • The XML Schema Validator policy helps protect APIs from XML injection attacks and vulnerabilities exposed when the application does not validate user input properly before using it in an XML document or query.


New Features

  • Source data from Gainsight PX to load into your data warehouse:

  • Load data to Databricks for analysis:


AutoSync dialogs contain clearer labeling. The changes include:

  • Labels in the wizard for creating integrations:

  • An explanation of synchronization types:

  • Clearer navigation to enable notifications and edit the connection configuration in User Settings:

Known Issues

  • The connection configuration in AutoSync for Coupa requires an API key, which was deprecated by Coupa in May 2022 (Release 29). You can still use valid API keys created before Release 29.
    Workaround: Instead of creating a Coupa connection configuration in AutoSync, you can create a Coupa OAuth2 Account in the SnapLogic IIP and save it in one of the following locations:

    • The global shared folder

    • The shared folder, in the ~SL-AutoSyncProjectSpace

    • Your AutoSync project, ~User~<username>_<snaplogic_org>, in the SL-AutoSync-ProjectSpace

Refer to Configuring Source and Destination Connections to learn more.

Data Automation


SnapLogic upgraded the default JDBC Driver versions used to connect the ELT Snaps with the supported CDWs.

Changes in Behavior

With Google deprecating the OAuth out-of-band (OOB) flow, the Refresh Token Accounts defined for connecting your ELT Snaps to the BigQuery instances start failing in a phased manner. We recommend that you immediately modify these Snap account configurations to switch to an Access Token Account or a Service Account from the Refresh Token Account.

Fixed Issues

The ELT Merge Into Snap displays the individual record counts inserted, updated, and deleted for Snowflake targets in the respective Records Inserted, Records Updated, and Records Deleted parameters of the Snap Statistics tab (on Pipeline execution).

Known Issues

  • The ELT Aggregate Snap does not apply the sort order defined in the ORDER-BY Fields (Aggregate Concatenation Functions Only) fieldset to the Aggregate concatenation function results.

  • In the ELT Merge Into Snap, the Records Updated parameter in the Snap Statistics tab (on Pipeline execution) displays the combined count of records that were inserted, updated, and deleted for the target CDWs: Azure Synapse, Amazon Redshift, and DLP. However, this issue is fixed for Snowflake target instances to display the individual record counts.

Studio Patterns

New Pipeline Patterns

The following Patterns are added to the Studio Patterns Catalog:

  • Add Salesforce Contacts from CSV

  • Insert Oracle Table Metadata to Apache Avro Format and Apache Kafka Producer

  • Pipeline Directory Generator

  • RabbitMQ Consumer to MySQL

  • Read Salesforce Cases and Publish to JMS

  • Subscribe to JMS Queue and Insert it into the Oracle Table

  • Subscribe to Salesforce and Publish to JMS

  • Synchronize Master Data on Jobs from Sopra HR to Cornerstone

  • Synchronize Master Data on Workers from Sopra HR to Cornerstone

  • Synchronize Salesforce Products with NetSuite

  • Unit Testing Pipeline

  • Use LDAP Search to Get User Data


New Features


  • In Manager, the Project Import wizard adds the ability to upload Expression Libraries and the Account configuration in JSON files with the Project Zip file:

  • GitHub Deauthentication enables you to easily remove SnapLogic from accessing your GitHub repos. In your user profile, click GitHub Deauthentication. Afterward, when you access Assets in GitHub, you receive an Authentication failed error:

Changes in Behavior

  • SnapLogic recommends that Project folders do not contain more than 100,000 Assets. Pipelines, Accounts, Tasks, Snap Packs, Snaplexes, Files, and Tables contribute to the total. Starting with the December release, when Asset creation or a file upload causes a Project to exceed 100,000 Assets, the system writes a warning to the log. We will contact customers with Projects over the limit to help with the remediation.



  • The Snowflake Bulk Load Snap no longer displays the validation warning in the following cases: (Snap Pack version: 431patches19220, Latest)

    • When you configure the Validation Mode as NONE and Validation Errors Type as Do not show errors in the Snap, or

    • When Validation Mode is RETURN_n_ROWS, RETURN_ERRORS, or RETURN_ALL_ERRORS.

  • The Snowflake - Bulk Upsert Snap no longer supports values from an upstream input document in the Key columns field when the expression button is enabled. The value must remain constant throughout the Snap’s execution and now limits support for expressions to include only Pipeline parameters. To avoid breaking your existing Pipelines that use a value from the input schema in the Key columns field, update the Snap settings to use an input value from Pipeline parameters instead. (Snap Pack version: 431patches19220, Latest)

  • The Kafka Consumer Snap includes a new Max Poll Interval (ms) field, which allows you to specify the time between subsequent calls to poll. This field corresponds to the Kafka property. (Snap Pack version: 431patches19211, Latest)

Fixed Issues

  • The Marketo Bulk Import Snap now imports data for the selected Custom Objects. It also displays an error for invalid data or a mismatch of data type. (Snap Pack version: 431patches18969, Latest)

  • The OpenAPI Snap Pack performs pagination automatically by using the Advanced Properties Has next and Next URL. (Snap Pack version: 431patches19012, Latest)

  • A memory leak in the SQL Server Stored Procedure Snap is fixed—now the Snap holds only one connection. (Snap Pack version: 431patches19234, Latest)

Documentation Enhancements

We added two Designer walkthrough videos to the SnapLogic Designer page. The videos show you how to access the various functionalities in the new interface to help you maximize your SnapLogic features and services.