February 2021, 4.24 Release Notes

February 2021, 4.24 Release Notes

In this article

Key New Features in SnapLogic


  • Universal Search includes new Pipeline search 

  • Snaplex-based Scheduler

  • Notifications via Slack 

API Management:

  • API Dashboard UX improvements 


  • Cross account IAM support

ELT for Cloud Data Platforms:

  • Support for Azure Synapse

  • Ease-of-use improvements

New Snap Packs:

  • HubSpot, MS Power BI, Marketo, OpenAPI, MS Teams

Updated Snap Packs:

  • Enhancements to the Confluent Kafka Snap Pack
  • Redshift and Amazon SQS support for cross domain IAM roles


  • Per the SnapLogic Release Process, all remaining Snaplex instances across Orgs are auto-upgraded to the recommended version at 9 p.m. PT on March 20, 2021. Orgs migrated to the 4.24 GA version prior to the auto-upgrade are not impacted. 
  • To use the new SnapLogic features and Snaps in the 4.24 release, ensure that your Snaplex nodes are upgraded to the recommended version.
  • This 4.24 release includes the patches deployed to SnapLogic after the 4.23 release, as listed in the 4.24 Dot Releases section. 

4.24 UAT Delta

This section tracks the changes made during the iterative pushes to the UAT server and the GA release. The following is the release schedule:

  • UAT: Friday, February 05, 2021 – Use Snaplex Version: 4.24_rc2-9059 - 4.24 GA 

  • GA: Saturday, February 13, 2021 (9 p.m. PT) - main-9488 - Patch 3 

The SnapLogic GA release build on the production server is also deployed on the UAT server.

UAT Fixes


  • Fixes an issue in the JDBC Snaps to output the data time values in the same format as the 4.23 release (November, 2020) to support backward compatibility in the output view.

4.24 Dot Releases


Date of UpdateSnaplex BuildUpdates
 main-9488 - Patch 3 (Recommended)
  • Fixes issues with the Snaplex-based Scheduler:

    • The expressions task.start and task.end are not initializing correctly.

    • The Task Details page displays null details and/or duplicate/unscheduled executions for some tasks. 
  • Fixes an issue where the error and JCC logs do not rotate as expected if they exceed the configured log file limit of more than 50MB (default value).

  • Fixes an issue with a node in maintenance mode, which shuts down every five minutes due to an unresponsive JCC.


Control Plane update:

  • Fixes an issue with the Snaplex Management API that moves all nodes in maintenance mode instead of a single node. 

  • Fixes an issue where some Ultra Tasks periodically restart after upgrading to the Platform Patch 1. 
main-9292 - Patch 2
  • Fixes an issue with the Snaplex-based Scheduler where Scheduled Task execution is not stopping when execution frequency is changed from one minute to one week.
  • Fixes an issue where in some cases a re-enabled Task records multiple missed execution in the logs.
  • Fixes an issue where Salesforce Update Snap errors do not route to the error Pipeline despite being configured to do so.
  • Fixes an issue with the Script Snap where active threads persist even after the Pipeline completes execution.
  • Enhances SnapLogic Platform security by not including encrypted user credentials for Snowflake Snap accounts in the logs. 
  • Changes the logging behavior of Snaps to log only the FQID information.
main-9191 - Patch 1
  • Fixes an issue wherein invalid tasks from deleted Pipelines cause other valid scheduled tasks from executing.
  • Fixes an issue with the Snaplex scheduler that is triggering duplicate task executions.
  • Fixes an issue with Ultra Tasks that fail beyond planned Control Plane downtime.
  • Reduces Ultra Tasks latency in some cases when executing the task after a period of inactivity.

We currently recommend you to use main-9488 - Patch 3 as your Snaplex version.


Date of UpdateUpdate
  • Fixes an issue where after resetting the password, a user with disabled UI access, is not redirected to the log-in page. 
  • Fixes an issue on the SnapLogic log in page where the right and left arrow to toggle product messages is not visible on a white image.
  • Fixes an issue with the Task dialog where some of the new time zone labels are incorrect after the 4.24 release.

  • Fixes an issue with the Compare Pipeline feature where the source Pipeline and target Pipeline now correctly display as Deleted and Added, respectively. 
  • Fixes an issue with resetting the SnapLogic log-in password, wherein an error message and a redirecting message display simultaneously, instead of displaying only the error message. 
  • Fixes an issue with the "error_id": 1015 message for accessing the SnapLogic Designer now displays the right error message. 
  • Adds a tooltip describing the password input rules for the SnapLogic log-in page.

Known issues:

  • In the SnapLogic log-in page, a right arrow displays in the image displaying the password rule tooltip.
  • When logging in using the single sign-on option, no error displays when an incorrect Organization name is entered in the field.

Fixes an issue with Orgs using enhanced encryption that run into an error decrypting sensitive information with non-ASCII characters when connecting with end-point accounts. 

Standard-mode Snaps

SOAP Snap Pack uses the 4.23 GA version (main7430)

Due to an upgrade to the CXF library, SOAP Execute Snap that uses the CXF client targeting SOAP 1.2 endpoints can fail. We also observe increased thread counts related to this upgrade. Hence, during the 4.24 auto-upgrade on , we did not update the SOAP Snap Pack and are moving the stable version for all your Orgs to main7430 (4.23 GA) instead of main8556 (4.24 GA). This should not impact your existing Pipelines. 

You can also use SOAP Snap Pack version 423patches7441 that was deployed as 4.23 dot release on , if needed.  

Snap PackDate of UpdateSnap Pack Build NameUpdates
Binary 424patches9044Enhanced the S3 File Writer to use an MD5 checksum that automatically checks for data integrity and corruption while uploading the file.  
Box 424patches9242
  • Enhanced the Box Snap Pack with the Retry mechanism that includes the following settings:

    • Number of retries: Specifies the number of attempts the snap should make to perform the selected operation in case of connection failure or timeout.
    • Retry interval (seconds)Specifies the minimum number of seconds the Snap must wait before each retry attempt.
Hadoop 424patches9262

Enhanced the AWS S3 Account for Hadoop to provide role-based access when you select the IAM role check box.

Anaplan 424patches9313Fixes an issue related to Index out of range in the Anaplan Upload Snap when the separator is not present or does not match the one in the upload file. 
Binary 424patches9020

Fixes the file operation error of copying large S3 files in the File Operation Snap by supporting the transfer of zero-byte S3 files while uploading the file.


Enhances the Snowflake - Bulk Load Snap to allow transforming data using a new field Select Query before loading data into the Snowflake database. This option enables you to query the staged data files by either reordering the columns or loading a subset of table data from a staged file. This Snap supports CSV and JSON file formats for this data transformation.

DynamoDB 424patches9031
  • Supports autoscaling by adding retry logic with exponential backoff to the Snaps.
  • Enhanced the DynamoDB Account to support the Expression Enabler for account properties and creation of dynamic accounts.
  • Improves memory consumption in DynamoDB Bulk Write and Bulk Get Snaps.
SOAP  424patches9077
  • Fixes the incremental thread count issue in the SOAP Execute Snap by ensuring that only instance of SoapCustomAsyncHTTPConduitFactory should pass throughout the execution of the Snap.
  • Fixes an issue in SOAP Execute Snap where the Snap fails as the default value of Content-Type field was modified after upgrading the Snap in the 4.24 release.
JMS 424patches9098Enhances the JMS account in the JMS Snap Pack by updating the JNDI properties (java.naming.security.principal, java.naming.security.credentials) with username and password, to support the requirements of certain JMS servers.
JMS 424patches9104Fixes an issue in the JMS Consumer Snap, where different JMS SQS accounts interfere with each other when running on the same JCC node by using the AWSStaticCredentialProvider instead of the SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider.
Salesforce  424patches9024
Microsoft Power BImain80

Enhances the following Snaps in the Microsoft Power BI Snap Pack by adding two values, Dataflow and Dataflow Storage Accounts to the Entity Type field.

Twilio main80Introduces the Twilio Snap Pack that enables you to perform various communication functions programmatically, such as making phone calls and sending text messages using Twilio's Web Service APIs. This Snap Pack offers the following Snaps:
SQL Server 424patches8657

Enhances the SQL Server - Select Snap by introducing a new field, Query Hints, which helps to customize and optimize the database engine to process query statements.

Exchange Online 



Fixes an issue in the Snap Pack by handling the conflict of users having same email IDs by accepting only the first user’s email ID returned by the API and ignoring the duplicate ones.

/wiki/spaces/AP/pages/1438719 424patches8617Fixes an error handling issue in the PostTweet Snap, where data and error are now routed to the error view.
  • Fixes the timestamp issue in JSON Formatter Snap that changed the time zone offset to include colon by default after upgrading to 4.24.
  • Fixes the null pointer exception at runtime in Fixed Width Parser Snap by setting the Trim column data field to false for empty columns.
  • Enhances the Group By N Snap to process the records efficiently by adding a Flush Timeout field that enables the Snap to flush a partial group of records if the time specified in this field passes with no new input.

Introduces the new Snap NetSuite Call RESTlet that enables you to call RESTlet scripts through token-based authentication. This Snap provides the functionality of the NetSuite RESTlet framework that supports the HTTP methods (GET, DELETE, POST, PUT) and MIME types.


Fixes the handling of RabbitMQ Headers in the RabbitMQ Consumer Snap, including the x-death header.

JDBC424patches8903Fixes the Pipeline execution failure issue when using the JDBC Snaps with a Microsoft Access account by setting the correct quotation handler for the configured account.



  • Fixes the missing library error in Binary, Hadoop, and Hive Snap Packs when running Hadoop Pipelines in JDK11 runtime.<